Anxious Parents

I received an email this morning from a mother whose son is joining the Marines.

Hello Mike!

After seeing the very touching piece about Charles on Dateline as well as you and your wife’s generosity, I was deeply moved and felt compelled to call and speak with him. What caring and compassionate people you are to help him and his family! Charles and the other soldiers you hired are very lucky to have you!

 One of the reasons I called Charles was to get some advice….

My son Matthew,age 19, is going into the Marines around November and I am scared out of my mind for him! At the same time I am very proud of him. Charles answered a lot of questions that I had about the Marines and he understood all my fears and could relate because his parents felt the same way when he joined. I see why you hired him. He is a very patient and kind man and put my mind at ease.

Charles called me the other day and asked if we were going to have to shoot another segment called “Firing Our Veterans” because his performance has been a little off lately since the piece aired on Dateline.  The phones have lit up with folks wanting to talk with Charles.  It’s no wonder he hasn’t been able to focus too well on buying cars.  As you can read above, Charles is the real deal and as I explained to this mother, if her son returns with the compassion of Charles Weaver, she should count herself as blessed.

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